How to Spell Check in Word?

Every day in business and other industries, there are numerous information and documentation files that must be saved for future use. It is quite impossible for anyone to preserve this knowledge for an extended period of time. Earlier letters, office files, documents, projects, and information are preserved in a registry, a file, or on paper, but we may have difficulty locating them. It takes some time. Microsoft has developed MS Word as a solution to this problem.

Microsoft Word is a programme that allows users to easily produce documents such as articles, letters, and project files. It contains capabilities including as editing and formatting, images, designs, font styles, document printing, and more.

What is Spell Checker in MS Word?

Microsoft Word offers a specific feature called spell check that allows you to verify your text for grammatical and spelling errors. Spell check is essentially a piece of software that recognises misspelt words in a document. It also allows you to search for a term that you know you misspelt throughout the entire document.

In Microsoft Word documents, the spell check feature is configured to check your spelling as you type. Your document’s faults will be indicated by color-coded underlines, such as red for spelling problems, green for grammar issues, and blue for contextual spelling errors.

What is Spell Checker in MS Word?

Microsoft Word has a special feature called spell check that allows you to check spelling and grammatical mistakes that you made in the document. Basically spell check is a software tool that identifies the misspelled words present in the document. It also allows you to search a particular word in the document that you know you’ve misspelled in the whole document.

In Microsoft Word documents, Word’s spell check function is set to automatically check your spelling while you type. Errors in your document will have color-coded underlines reflecting your choices, like red for spelling errors, green for grammar errors, and blue for contextual spelling errors.

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Steps to enable Spell Checker in MS Word

Step 1: On the navigation menu bar click on the File option.

Step 2: Next click on the option button as shown in the figure:

Step 3: A word option dialog box will appear on the screen.

Step 4: Now select the Proofing option from the left menu as shown in the figure:

Step 5: Check all boxes as shown in the figure:

Step 6: Next click on the OK button.

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How to Manually Check Spellings

Step 1: On the navigation menu bar click on the Review option.

Step 2: Next click on the spellings & grammar option as shown in the figure:

Step 3: If there is a spelling mistake in the document then it will appear in the red underline text as shown in the figure:


Step 4: Select the correct spelling from the suggestion menu.

Step 5: Next click on the YES option.

Step 6: Click on the OK option.

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Shortcut Method to Check Spellings

Step 1: Right-click on the red-underlined word.

Step 2: Now choose the correct spelling from the menu as shown in the figure:


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