After struggling with this issue for a long time and not having any luck with these various mostly generic approaches – namely updating or sometimes downgrading drivers, disabling sounds, etc – what seems to be where the issue lies most of the time. AudioDG doesn’t just control output but also factors in when it comes to input. I believe it may be a factor of Cortana voice command integration, but it seems that a while back something changed that allowed the mic to be seen as active, and thus the windows audio device graph isolation is kicked into gear.
Method 1 To Fix Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation High CPU Usage Problem
After finding this out, I was able to fully update my system again to the most recent drivers (which will also enable the microphone again, so it had to be disabled a second time) and eliminate all excess CPU usage from the process. I do not typically use my microphone on my computer, to begin with, and use a plugin set of headphones or my Bluetooth headphones and haven’t had any issue or resulting CPU drag
Method 2 To Fix Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation Problems High CPU Usage Problem
If you haven’t done anything on the computer or laptop but CPU is almost eighty percent or ninety percent or goes up very high, now the task that is using the most CPU usage, you sort it by high CPU usage and you see the Windows audio graph isolation is using 31 percent of the CPU at times it was shown 85 percent or 75 percent so what is this task and what is causing high CPU usage.
This task has to do with the entire enhancement for windows 10, it badly written audio drivers can cause high CPU usage, down on the bottom right click on the speaker icon, click on sounds, lay back, and choose the default speaker for the laptop.

We are going to click on properties and watch what happens when we disable all the enhancements in Windows 10, we are going to go to something called enhancements and disable all enhancements. Now look at the CPU usage, click on apply and look at the CPU usage. CPU usage just went down from almost 31% to 3% and that is because of badly written drivers for all the enhancements, this feature is not needed you can safely disable it and your speaker is going to work fine, audio is going to be fine, it looks like audio enhancements have some issues with some laptops disabled and other enhancements are going to bring down the CPU usage.
Method 3 To Fix Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation Problems High CPU Usage Problem
A holder result if the Windows audio device graph isolation process is taking up an unusual amount of CPU or memory usage on your Windows computer so it should hopefully be a pretty straightforward process.
You have to start by right-clicking on your taskbar and then select task manager

now select the process tab, it is not the default tab and you are going to go and just sort by alphabetically here or you could do a reverse alphabetical search as well.
We want to go ahead and locate the Windows audio device graph isolation here,

now you want to open up the start menu type in the control panel, let’s master go back to control panel, go ahead and left-click on that, you can also minimize out of the task manager as well and you want to see your view by large or small icons and then choose the sound option.
Whatever current option you have any playback so whatever device you are currently using, you want a hold on that and then select properties, select the enhancements tab checkmark or assist disable all enhancements and then what people want to apply and ok once done with that so it’s ok again and going back in the task manager and see if that lowers your memory usage for that particular process here which we can see if we go right to the windows audio device graph isolations, it is barely taking off anything that is only about one megabyte of RAM and 0% CPU.
Solve the high CPU usage issue with Windows Audio Device Graphics Isolation. In some cases, this process is displayed as AudioDG.exe.It is an official part of Windows and the home of the Windows audio engine. It controls the sound enhancement process. This allows sound card manufacturers with their sound drivers to add sophisticated sound functions to Windows. And Windows offers you advanced audio effects.
Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation is an audio file for newer versions of Windows that prevents other applications from modifying audio-related content and plug-ins. The application also serves as an audio engine for Windows. The process usually starts when you start your computer and you don’t need to worry if it shows up in the Task Manager.
Method 4 To Fix Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation Problems High CPU Usage Problem
If you are facing high CPU usage issue with Windows audio device then here is the fix.
Let’s move to the first fix, right-click on the start button, and click on Run, and type “control.exe mmsys.cpl sounds”, now click on ok and the sound control panel will open up, now right-click on your default audio device it may be a speaker, it may be a headphone, whatever with a green tick on it, right-click on it and now click on properties, now click on advanced and now just try with a lower bit rate, for example, 48000 hertz, now click n apply and click on ok and see if this CPUs had come down.
So whatever be your bit rate try with lower quality and see if it works or not, if it does not work set it back to the normal where it was.
Let’s move to the next method and that is just right-clicked on the default device again and click on properties again and now you will reach if you get an enhancements tab, just click on the enhancement tab and then just check this option to disable all sound effects, and click on apply and click on okay.
You can use the following methods for Windows audio device graph isolation problems, If it still does not solve your problems try contacting for professional help, or maybe you could even have to buy a new CPU. Make sure you have cleared all the extra storage files and cleared the recycle bin. And check that all the connections are made properly, this issue mainly occurs due to fault drives.