In a world where computer access is more important than ever, a BSOD (blue screen of death) error on a Windows PC can make it impossible to use the computer. Common BSOD errors, such as an unexpected kernel mode trap or a critical process that died, stop your PC from working until you fix the problem that caused them.
“Kernel security check failure” is another common BSOD error that can show up depending on the situation. Most of the time, this problem is caused by corrupted system files, but it could also be caused by broken hardware or drivers that are out of date. Here’s what you need to do to fix a kernel security check failure BSOD.
What Causes a Kernel Security Check Failure BSOD Error on Windows 10?
Some BSOD errors are hard to figure out, but if you get a kernel security check failure BSOD, you can usually assume it’s either a hardware problem or corrupt (or out-of-date) system files.
Because of these problems, your PC may try to connect to the Windows kernel in a way that isn’t right. Since the system kernel is the most secure service, unauthorized access to it causes an integrity check to fail. This causes your PC to crash and show a BSOD error like this one.
If your system files are broken or old, you can often fix the problem by running Windows Update. This will install any system updates that are available, such as updates for device drivers. You may also need to use Windows PowerShell to run other tools for maintenance, such as System File Checker (SFC) and chkdsk.
Problems with the hardware, like bad system memory, could also be to blame. You might need to test your hardware, and if you find problems, you might want to think about getting a new one. If that doesn’t work, you may have to do something more drastic, like resetting Windows.
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Check for System and Driver Updates
Most of the time, a Windows stop code that says “kernel security check failed” is caused by an old system that is missing important bug fixes. You’ll need to check Windows Update for new system and driver updates to fix the problem.
- To start, right-click the Start menu and select Settings.
- In the Settings menu, select Update & Security > Windows Update and select Check for Updates to scan for new updates. If any updates are available, select Download (or Download and Install) to begin the installation process. After installing any available updates, restart your PC to complete the process.

Updated drivers should fix this problem, but you may also find that new drivers are to blame for a failed kernel security check on Windows 10. If you see this error after you just updated your device drivers, either by hand or through Windows Update, you may need to roll back a driver.
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Run the System File Checker and Chkdsk Tools
If the system files for Windows are broken or corrupted, Windows won’t work right. Using the System File Checker (SFC) and chkdsk tools, you can check the integrity of your system files and the file system on your hard drive. This will help fix the problem.
- To do this, open a new Windows PowerShell window by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting the Windows PowerShell (Admin) option.
- In the PowerShell window, type sfc /scannow to run the System File Checker tool. You’ll need to wait for SFC to complete the scan of your system files and, where possible, repair them.
- With the SFC tool complete, type chkdsk C: /f to check your system drive’s file system integrity. Windows will ask you to schedule this for your next reboot, allowing a boot level scan of your drive to complete. Type Y and select the Enter key to confirm this, then restart your PC.

Even though SFC and chkdsk aren’t sure-fire fixes, running them will at least tell you if the problem is with your system files or not.
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Test Your System Memory
If the SFC and chkdsk tools don’t fix a kernel security check failure on Windows 10, you might need to check the health of your hardware more closely. For example, a kernel exception message like this one could be caused by a problem with the memory.
- To check the health of your system memory, you’ll need to test it. You can do this using the built-in Windows Memory Diagnostic tool. Start by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Run.
- In the Run box, type mdsched.exe and select OK.
- In the Windows Memory Diagnostic window, Windows will ask you for permission to restart. Select Restart now and check for problems to do this immediately or choose Check for problems the next time I start my computer to delay this until your next restart.
The Memory Diagnostic tool will put your system memory through a stress test to make sure it is working properly. If any problems are found, you may need to replace your system memory to fix them.
Reset Windows 10
Common BSOD problems, like a kernel security check failure BSOD, can sometimes only be fixed by doing something drastic. If you can’t fix your computer, you might want to reset or wipe Windows 10.
You could lose your personal files if you do this, so make sure you have a copy of any important files before you start.
Only if Windows can still boot will these steps work. If it can’t, you’ll have to use a USB drive or DVD to make Windows 10 installation media and then follow the on-screen installation instructions to reset Windows 10.
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Fixing a Kernel Security Check Failure BSOD Error
Follow the steps above to fix a kernel security check failure BSOD and stop it from happening again. You should check your PC’s performance often to make sure there aren’t any new problems. You should also keep your system up-to-date to make sure you have the latest fixes for bugs and security, and you should check for malware often.
A computer is only as good as its hardware, though. If you’re getting a lot of BSOD errors, it could mean that your hardware is broken and you can’t fix it. Your PC might need new hardware, or you might want to build or buy a new one instead.