The Sony PS5 launched alongside the new Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S a few weeks ago. While it has been nearly impossible to get one with scalpers buying up every console available, many of you have been lucky enough to get your hands on a shiny new PS5 and Xbox Series console. The PS5 has cutting-edge technology with an incredible AMD SoC based on Zen 2 and RDNA2 that offers stellar gaming performance with ray tracing, the option for 4K 120Hz, and even 8K. But not everything is perfect with the PS5. The glossy plastic is not as good looking, the console can capture 4K gameplay but doesn’t do so by default, the 667GB of user storage will run out soon, and more. If you are experiencing any sudden network disconnections from the Play Station networks on your Play Station 5 or are you experiencing any slow internet speeds or significant ping or lag, here are a few solutions that can help you to solve those issues:
Ps5 External Hard Drive Issues:

The Ps5 has external hard drive issues. Basically, any external storage you plug into this and you have it formatted to work with Play Station 4 games, basically, being able to transfer your games from internal storage to external storage which are Play Station 4 games and you would be able to play off of that, the system will either the crash in the middle of you playing a Play Station 5 game, it will crash while you are going through the user interface itself, or it might crash when it boots up. Just constant crashing and it is basically all because an external hard drive is being plugged into it.
You can test this with standard hard drives that are just spinning disc ones, you can also test this with SSD drives as well too, you can use docking stations, you can use simple cables like this for your SSDs as well, all the same things sort of happen.

And it is when external storage is formatted to work with Play Station 4 games where this happens because you did use USB storage in terms of getting video captures off of this and that does not have this problem. You can have that plugged in and it will be just fine but when it is formatted to work for Play Station 4 games is when we run into this particular issue.
Now you expect someone to patch this up somewhere down the line and kind of get this fixed. And hopefully, add the other patch that we need to be able to expand internal storage as well too because right now there is nowhere near enough storage on the Play Station 5. They first advertise this it is one terabyte of built-in storage. Then it turned into 825 gigabytes, which is on the box but you would really get 670 gigabytes of actual usable storage space. All you got to do is download a few Play Station 5 games, and you will find out you are not going to have enough space.
So really being able to expand our storage, use USB storage properly without things crashing, or be able to just expand it internally, is just a much-needed thing. And you want to see that update come very soon down the road. And even when it tries to fix it, so there could be a cause where you see that black screen and then you have the drive plugged in, it says that there is some error or something wrong with the USB storage and needs to fix it.
You can have it run through the fixing process but eventually either boot right back into the UI and then crash immediately or they will just not boot, you just get the blank black screen here with it. So it does not matter with anything with this so this is really focused mainly on Play Station 4 games that are transferred over to a Play station 4 formatted external drives, whether it is SSD or their standard spinning hard drive. And you are trying to play a game of it, or you just simply have it plugged in.
You will see system instability. So Sony, hopefully, patches this up real soon, pretty sure that they will but this needs to come much sooner for a lot of folks out there because a lot of people that have a large gaming library, especially if they have been playing games since the original Play Station or have a lot of stuff on their Play Station 4 and looking to upgrade and play those games, they are going to want to have some storage options because you just do not give us enough built-in here. So hopefully this is a top priority coming out.
And it is probably external storage that is the issue. If you unplug the storage, you won’t have any problems. You should be fine, 99% of the time. Although you could have a couple of bugs where you have tried it to do manual saves on certain games like with spider and miles Morales where it did crash and reboot back on you. So it could be an internal thing or a bug or something like that but we need to kind of get this updated, fixed and working better so we have better storage options coming up in the near future. So hopefully this will work out.
The solution that is available is that we need to work in intermedium outside of just unplugging it and not using the storage at all until Sony makes an official fix for this on the Play Station 5.
Unplugging any external drives do remedy the issue mostly. There is still a chance for a crash when doing manual saves with some games. Again I fully expect Sony to send out an update to fix this and hopefully it comes with the ability to upgrade internal storage at the same time because many long-time gamers are going to need it as the current storage is simply not enough.
Ps5 WiFi Issues:

You might need to swap out your Play Station 5, to improve the Wi-Fi speeds on here because there is definitely something wrong with the internal Wi-Fi card and a myriad of other things that happened on your old Play Station 5, you can send it out and get it replaced with a brand new Play Station 5 or a Play Station 5 replacement whatever they sent to you and everything will be improved including the Wi-Fi speeds because previously before they were pitiful speeds, it was really slow and it was like there is something going on here, this does not make a lot of sense that things are this slow.
Now, that Play Station 5 had a myriad of different issues going on with it, so you suspected it was something wrong but you also should test out your X-Box series X and see what that did for wifi. And it will show what you are expecting, you could have a really good wifi speed with that based on what you get with the console truthfully because the wire is the best for these things, but these have improved greatly since then. So you will understand there is something wrong with your Play station 5 not with your wifi connection.
You can be sent back your Play Station 5 to the company and get a brand new one as a replacement and your wifi speed will improve drastically, it will match what you were seeing on Xbox Series X, so that already pretty much came to the conclusion for you that there is definitely something going on with the wifi card inside some of the Play Station 5, so that is something you definitely want to think about.
Now, obviously do the normal checks that you would do to make sure you check that your network is working well, what speeds that you have with it here, you could have gigs speed and you don’t expect to totally get that amount on a console, obviously, there are limitations for it, but you do have enough bandwidth to get a pretty good decent side. The speed is decent download speeds along with it.
And you might want to check what your download speeds are as well too, to make sure you are getting enough that you have in your home and whatnot. And obviously, that varies by internet service providers, so that could be a little tricky there with it. Some people change DNS and you can also try that, it depends on your ISP again and that could possibly help a few download speeds.
Also, understand that these games servers are not the fastest sometimes, a lot of people hitting it, so back it off, so contribute to sort of slow download speeds with it.
But after all that testing if you still have those issues, you definitely want to probably look at reaching out to Sony to get your Play Station 5 swapped out. Now, I still recommend wired over wireless if you are talking about the fastest and most consistent download speeds, you will still see better consistency from wired connections, especially for downloading games and whatnot. So, if you are downloading some large games, you might want to do that. Big games with big downloads The Call of Duties and stuff like that, you might want to go wired.
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If you want to go wireless you might want to do it overnight before you need to play the game. If you are away and you have your Play Station 5 in rest mode, you can use the Play station app and you can download it remotely so it will be ready for you when you get home at the end of the day and whatnot. The way to fix my PS5 Wi-Fi problem was to get it swapped out. I know many of you are having this issue and doing everything you can from updates, reboots, resets, and even changing you’re DNS.
So those are some of the recommendations that I have there with that so if your wifi is having some issues, the best to kind of consider that there could be something totally wrong with the Play Station 5 so do not stress yourself too much about it trying too many different things because if those things do not work you might want to look at getting it replaced and swapped out.